Thursday, December 1, 2011

Small Step into the Big World

My baby started school today! And I am going through a mixture of emotions. On one hand, thrilled that she is big enough now to go to her school and happy for her independence... and on the other hand, feeling that little tug at my heart-strings. Logically I know that this is just one of the many steps she and her sisters have to take to achieve glorious womanhood, but emotion is totally out-riding logic here.


God bless you little T, as you forge your own path through life. And here is a Gaelic Christening blessing, the words of which hold true for you...

Dearest Father in Heaven,
Bless this child and bless this day
Of new beginnings.
Smile upon this child
And surround this child, Lord,
With the soft mantle of your love.
Teach this child to follow in your footsteps,
And to live life in the ways of
Love, faith, hope and charity.