Monday, May 28, 2012

Hello old friend...

Monday morning, and I am already thinking of what I should write about. Now that's a good sign, isn't it?

Today's topic is movies. I am not much of a movie-watcher. Would rather read a book or two in the time it takes for that story to dramatically unfold on screen. But the few times that I do watch a movie, I enjoy it.

So was thinking, why do I prefer a book? One main reason is that reading a book is a very personal activity, it's just me and the book. The other reason is - I can let my imagination soar when I read a book. Am not restricted by the film maker's view of the world. And books have been a part of my life from childhood onwards. The visits to the neighbourhood library, the swaps with friends, delving into my dad's book collection, the rare purchase of a crackling new book... all were magical. And the magic continues to this day.

I hadn't been regularly reading for quite a while. Now am planning to read often. You know what my problem is when it comes to reading? I can't put down a book when I am immersed in the story. And these days, my lil ones need to be looked after, so I really don't have the luxury of doing so. But like all other aspects of life, my reading style too can be adjusted.

Thanks, Anj, for the loan of that fantastic book "Room" last week. I guess that is the book that can be hailed as the one that has yanked me back into the world of serious readers! Hello old friend, the book.

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