Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Breakfast Pizza

And another recipe!

Had an extra pizza base at home. And was wondering what to do for breakfast. Married the two, and here is the result of the union:


Here is the recipe:


  1. Pizza Base: 1
  2. Tomato Sauce: 2 tablespoons
  3. Chilli Sauce: 1 tsp
  4. Basil Leaves: a few
  5. Black Olives: 5, halved
  6. Sweet Corn kernels: 1 tablespoon
  7. Mozzarella Cheese, grated: 2 tablespoons
  8. Egg: 1


  1. Mix tomato sauce and chilli sauce, and spread on pizza base.
  2. Sprinkle the basil leaves, olives and corn over the pizza base. 
  3. Cover pizza base with the grated cheese.
  4. Bake at 180 C for 7 minutes
  5. Crack egg over hot pizza, and place back in the oven for 6 minutes.
  6. Check if egg is cooked to your liking.
  7. Voila! Breakfast Pizza!